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lost over time

Sunday was one of the most incredible days we've had at Wolf Oak Acres yet...

While we've been host to many amazing families and truly gorgeous ceremonies... this one topped the cake! And not for any other reason than the sheer simplicity and truly authentic qualities it presented.

Matt and Alexis are a wonderful young couple - both passionate about everything they do in life.

Without knowing much about either of them or their families - this wedding opened my eyes to something not seen very often in most events now a days..... the real reason behind a ceremony!

It seems that this younger generation coming through the ranks and hosting their big day events have a totally different perspective on life and how they envision their wedding day. Most are so overly concerned about the party, having enough alcohol, having a million presents to give away as favors, what others are going to say about them or their event if things aren't picture perfect or up to the right standards.... It has been seemingly so materialistic and not about the entire reason they are supposed to all be coming together! (In case you missed it - that would be the fact that two young people are in love and are promising each other eternal devotion in front of all). Many ceremonies have been averaging 2-10 minutes as they are more concerned about getting on to the "party" instead of declaring their intimate feelings, promises and vows to each other. The trend has seemingly been going further and further into planning a party to impress their guests - than to showcase themselves and their nuptials and professing their love to the world!

Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to have a wonderful time being had by all.... but the purpose of a wedding is to bring to families together. To create a new family unit from two...To let the world know the feelings and promises each are making to the other, and to have the family there to support and acknowledge this professed intimacy.

While we've had many weddings held here already, this is probably one of the very first who all seemed to be about the couple, not how much they could go drink and eat following "the shortest ceremony possible to appease the masses who want to party". It was so refreshing and invigorating to see a younger group of adults who all were beyond their years in wisdom, behavior, and humility.... Most were active military who understand the importance of relationships and the value of love and family now. Others were just truly beautiful friends who admired the strength it takes to be in the military lifestyle. The respect they all showed each other was beyond words .... it was humbling and a true honor to be part of such a wonderful event for this family.

I only wish there were more of the younger generation who could learn from them, and from past generations, what it means to have a true relationship and hold that up on such a pedestal that the rest of the world seems a blur. The ceremony and events shared with those you care most about should not become one stuck in materialism and petty details, and the values behind the wedding are not lost over time. The most important aspect to any wedding is already being displayed for all.....the love they share for each other and those who support them.

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