25% Off any 2017 full day wedding venue rentals!
We are now well into our 2017 year - and getting ready to start a brand new wedding season!
For those of you who may be considering still trying to tie the knot this year - there's plenty of time!
Wolf Oak Acres is now offering 25% discounted rates on our full day venue rentals that remain open for this year!
There are still plenty of days to choose from - Fridays, A few Saturdays that re-opened, and Sundays throughout the entire season.....Plus we can still help you find all of your vendors that you will need as well! Let us know how we can help!
But if you're willing to pull off an amazing event this season - we can help along with offer some of the best pricing you'll find to do it!
Contact us at #315-762-3090 or katrina@wolfoakacres.com for details and availability!